This is a list of famous Freemasons, and some quotes from them about Freemasonry.

"We represent a fraternity which believes in justice and truth and honorable action in your who are endeavoring to be better citizens...[and] to make a great country greater. This is the only institution in the world where we can meet on the level all sorts of people who want to live rightly."

Harry S. Truman
President of the United States

"To me, Freemasonry is one form of dedication to God and service to humanity.  The values and ideas, the profound principals of religion, morality, and honour for which Masonry stands, mean much to me as an American.

There is, as I see it, nothing like Masonry. It is unique in its fellowship which spreads over much of the earth, in addition to our own country. Moreover, this in-depth fellowship spans the years, even the centuries, running back into antiquity. To me it means a personal relationship with great historical personalities and, taken by and large, also with about the finest body of men whom it is possible to assemble anywhere.

Attending Lodge and participating in Masonic activities gave me confidence. I learned to work with people. I found that everyone, every single brother, had a special talent. All I had to do was bring it out. The Brother, then, saw quickly enough how to put his talent to use.

And his success at Lodge work gave him confidence too! He passed it on to others, and they still to others. It wasn't necessary to repeat a self-help motto like "I believe in me." Just doing the work and seeing the results were enough.

Confidence in self, in the Lodge, in Masonry, in the community and nation - it caught on, and I have seen it spread farther and farther as I continue my Masonic journey in life, meeting ever more Brothers and sharing with them the confidence Freemasonry can give.

Ever since I became a Mason, the work has not only charmed me, but also impressed me. I can further add that, as a public speaker, it has also given me enhanced perception of the nobility of words and their inspirational power when used in skillful combination and for the expression of lofty thoughts."

Norman Vincent Peale
Minister and Author

"Freemasonry embraces the highest moral laws and will bear the test of any system of ethics or philosophy ever promulgated for the uplift of man."

Douglas MacArthur
General of the Army

"The Masonic Fraternity is one of the most helpful mediating and conserving organizations among men, and I have never wavered from that childhood impression, but it has stood steadfastly with me through the busy, vast hurrying years."

George W. Truett
Southern Baptist Leader

"There is no doubt in my mind that Masonry is the cornerstone of America."

Dave Thomas
Founder of Wendy's International

Presidents of the United States of America

  • George Washington
  • James Monroe
  • Andrew Jackson
  • James Polk
  • James Garfield
  • James Buchanan
  • Andrew Johnson
  • William McKinley
  • Theodore Roosevelt
  • Howard Taft
  • Warren Harding
  • Franklin Roosevelt
  • Harry Truman
  • Gerald Ford

Signers of the Declaration of Independence

  • Benjamin Franklin
  • Buffalo Bill Cody
  • Davey Crockett
  • Kit Carson
  • Sam Houston

U.S. Patriots

  • Franklin, Benjamin - signer of the U.S. Constitution; Past Provincial Grand Master of Pennsylvania
  • John Hancock - signer of the Declaration of Independence
  • Patrick Henry
  • Francis Scott Key - wrote the "Star Spangled Banner" (U.S. National Anthem)
  • Marquis de Lafayette - French supporter of American Freedom
  • James McHenry - signer of the U.S. Constitution - Spiritual Lodge No. 23, Maryland
  • James Otis - "Taxations without Representation is Tyranny"
  • Paul Revere

U.S. Supreme Court Justices

  • Henry Baldwin
  • Hugo L. Black
  • John Blair, Jr.
  • Samuel Blatchford
  • Harold H. Burton
  • James F. Byrnes
  • John Catton
  • Thomas C. Clark
  • John H. Clarke
  • William Cushing
  • Willis Van Devanter
  • William O. Douglas
  • Oliver Ellsworth
  • Stephen J. Field
  • John M. Harlan
  • Robert H. Jackson
  • Joseph E. Lamar
  • John C. Marshall - Chief Justice (1801-1835)
  • Thurgood Marshall
  • Stanley Mathews
  • Sherman Minton
  • William H. Moody
  • Samuel Nelson
  • William Paterson
  • Mahlon Pitney
  • Stanley F. Reed
  • Wiley B. Rutledge
  • Potter Stewart
  • Noah H. Swayne
  • Thomas Todd
  • Robert Trimble
  • Frederick M. Vinson
  • Earl Warren
  • Levi Woodbury
  • William B. Woods


  • Elias Ashmole


  • Chevalier D'Eon De Beaumont


  • John Glenn - Concord Lodge No.688 Concord, OH


  • Roald Amundsen
  • Richard E. Byrd
  • Lewis and Clark
  • Cpt. James Cook
  • Matthew Henson
  • Charles Lindbergh
  • Lord Minto, Governor General of India
  • Sir Stamford Raffles, founder of Singapore, Raised July 5, 1813, Lodge De Vriendschap, Sourabaya
  • Robert F. Scott
  • Sir Ernest Shackelton


  • Pierre Beauregard
  • Omar Bradley - West Point Lodge No.877, NY
  • Sir Guy Carleton
  • Mark Clark
  • Lord Cornwallis
  • Jimmy Doolittle
  • Viscount Jellicoe
  • Ernest King
  • Lord Kitchener
  • Curtis Lemay
  • George C. Marshall
  • Douglas MacArthur (Manila Lodge No. 1, Phillipines)
  • Lord Mountbatten
  • Audie Murphy
  • Lord Nelson
  • John Paul Jones
  • John Pershing
  • Field Marshal Suvorov
  • Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz
  • Duke of Wellington

Business & Politics

  • John Jacob Astor, financier. W.M. Holland Lodge No.8 (1798)
  • Thomas Bradley, mayor of Los Angeles
  • Robert J. Dole, senator(Russell Lodge No. 177, Russell, Kansas)
  • Medgar W. Evers, civil rights leader
  • Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company
  • Barry M. Goldwater, senator. (Arizona Lodge No. 2, Phoenix, May 12, 1931)
  • Charles Hilton, founder of Hilton Hotel chain
  • Rev. Jesse Jackson, civil rights leader
  • John H. Johnson, publisher Ebony and Jet Magazines
  • J.C. Penny, department store founder
  • Andre Citroen, founder Citroen Motor Car Co.
  • Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild, Initiated Oct. 24, 1802: Emulation Lodge No. 12, London
  • Joel R. Poinsett, USA Secretary of War, Master: Solomon's Lodge No. 1, Charleston, introduced Freemasonry into Mexico, and the pointsetta to America
  • Col. Harlan Sanders, Kentucky Fried Chicken
  • Morris Sachs, Sachs 5th Ave.
  • Carl B. Stokes, mayor of Cleveland
  • Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy's Restaurants
  • Andrew Young, mayor of Atlanta, Georgia
  • Whitney M. Young, director of National Urban League


  • Booker T. Washington - Grand Master, Massachusetts, PHA

Human Rights

  • John Brown


  • Robert Burns
  • Sir Winston Churchill
  • Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Edward Gibbon, historian, Initiated Dec. 19, 1774, Lodge of Friendship No. 3
  • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Initiated June 23, 1780, Lodge Amalia, Weimer
  • Alex Haley
  • Rudyard Kipling
  • Norman Vincent Peale (Midwood Lodge No. 1062, Brooklyn, NY. May 31, 1898)
  • Alexander Pope
  • Robert Service (Yukon Lodge No. 45, Dawson City, 1912)
  • Sir Walter Scott
  • Jonathan Swift
  • Mark Twain
  • Lew Wallace
  • Voltaire Initiated: April 7, 1778, Lodge of the Nine Sisters, Paris, France
  • Oscar Wilde


  • Alphonse Mucha, Initiated 1898, Paris, founder of Czech Freemasonry

Monument Creators

  • Alexander Eiffel, designer of the Eiffel Tower
  • Christopher Wren, St. Paul's Cathedral, Lodge of Antiquity No. 2, London (attributed)
  • James Smithson, founder Smithsonian Institute
  • Sir Joseph Banks, Kew Gardens, London
  • Gutzon Borglum, Mount Rushmore
  • Frederick Bartholdi, Statue of Liberty

Music Composers

  • Irving Berlin - Munn Lodge No.190 New York City, NY
  • Ludwig van Beethoven
  • George Michael Cohan (1878-1942), author of Yankee Doodle Dandy
  • Gilbert & Sullivan
  • W.C. Handy
  • Franz Haydn
  • Jerome Kern
  • Franz Liszt
  • Wolfgang Mozart
  • Hans Schuler
  • Jean Julius Sibelius - Suomi Lodge No. 1, Helsinki, Finland
  • John Phillip Sousa

Country Western Music

  • Eddy Arnold
  • Roy Acuff
  • Rex Allen
  • Gene Autry - Catoosa Lodge No. 185, Catoosa, Oklahoma: 1927
  • Roy Clark
  • Jim Davis
  • Ferlin Husky
  • Burl Ives
  • Eddy Peabody
  • Tex Ritter
  • Jimmy Rodgers
  • Roy Rogers - Hollywood Lodge No. 355, Hollywood. 1946
  • Mel Tillis
  • Hank Thompson

Jazz Music

  • Louis Armstrong - Montgomery Lodge No.18, NY PHA
  • William "Count" Basie - Wisdom Lodge No. 102, Chicago
  • Eubie Blake
  • Nat King Cole - Waller Lodge No.49, Los Angeles, CA PHA
  • Duke Ellington
  • Lionel Hampton
  • Al Jolson
  • Tony Martin
  • Oscar Peterson
  • Paul Whiteman


  • Bud Abbott
  • Eddie Albertson
  • Cliff Arquette - Ravenwood Lodge No.777, Chicago
  • Ernest Borgnine
  • Wallace Beery
  • Mel Blanc
  • Eddie Cantor
  • Charles Correll (Amos) - Trio Lodge No. 57, Chicago
  • Freeman Gosden (Andy) - Petersburg Lodge No. 15, VA
  • William DeBeck - North Shore Lodge No. 936, Chicago
  • Cecil B. DeMille, actor, playwright, director. Prince of Orange Lodge No. 16, New York
  • Glenn Ford
  • Douglas Fairbanks
  • Hoot Gibson
  • Clark Gable - Beverly Hills Lodge No.528 CA
  • Harold Gray - Lombard Lodge No. 1098, Lombard, IL
  • Oliver Hardy
  • Jean Hersholt
  • Harry Houdini, Initiated Aug 21, 1923, St. Cecile Lodge No. 568, New York
  • Buck Jones
  • Emmott Kelly
  • Wayne King - Paul Revere Lodge No. 998
  • Harold Lloyd
  • Harpo Marx
  • Tom Mix
  • Conrad Nagel
  • Carroll O'Connor
  • Tyrone Power
  • Dick Powell
  • Richard Pryor - Henry Brown Lodge No. 22, Peoria, IL
  • Charles "Chic" Sale - Urbana Lodge N0. 157, Urbana, IL
  • Will Rogers
  • Red Skelton
  • Peter Sellers
  • Frank Skinner - Benevolent lodge No.52, Meredosia, IL
  • Danny Thomas
  • Hal Brent Wallis - Prudence Lodge No. 958, Chicago
  • John Wayne
  • Billy Wilder
  • Chill Wills
  • Jonathan Winters
  • Ed Wynn
  • Allan Young, (Mr. Ed)
  • Darry l F. Zanuck
  • Florenz Ziegfeld, Jr. - Accordia Lodge No.277

Scientists and Inventors

  • Vannevar Bush.
  • Samuel Colt - Hartford, CN
  • Erasmus Darwin (1732-1802) physician and botonist. Initiated at St. David's Lodge No. 36, Edinburgh in 1754
  • Harold Eugene Edgerton (1903-1990) professor of electrical engineering, MIT
  • Sir Alexander Fleming (1881-1955), inventor of penicillin
  • Sir Sanford Fleming (1827-1915), creator of first Canadian stamp and standard time
  • Edward Jenner (1749-1823), physician, discoverer of smallpox vaccine
  • C.W. Mayo, founder of Mayo Clinic
  • William James Mayo (1861-1939), surgeon
  • Charles Horace Mayo (1865-1939), surgeon
  • Jacques and Joseph Montgolfier, inventors of the hot air balloon
  • Jacob Perkins (1766-1849), mechanical engineer and inventor; printed first penny postage stamp in 1840
  • James F. Smathers, inventor of the electric typewriter, Gate City Lodge No 522, Kansas City
  • James Smithson, founder of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC
  • James Watt (1736-1819) inventor of the steam engine. Initiated 1763


  • Arnold "Red" Auerbach
  • George Brent
  • Avery Bundage
  • Ty Cobb - Royston Lodge No.426 Detroit, MI
  • Jack Dempsey - Kenwood Lodge No.800 Chicago, IL
  • Jake Gaudaur
  • Tim Horton
  • Jack Johnston
  • Willie Mays
  • Arnold Palmer
  • Branch Rickey
  • Sugar Ray Robinson
  • Cy Young


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