Blue Lodge: A Family of Affair

By Darrin Galde, DDGM

Darrin Galde DDGM and his GrandfatherFor many Brothers, joining the Masons is a family tradition. It could be a grandfather, father, brother-in-law, or cousin that brings you into Masonry.

I remember getting the call from my grandfather when I was in college. He said be in Finley, ND on this night, at this time, and do not be late.

Needless to say, you don’t disappoint grandpa so I drove the hour and half to Finley on a cold March night not knowing what to expect.

I was welcomed as I entered the lodge, handed some pajamas, and told to change. Before I could ask any questions, I was blindfolded and led around a room by voices that sounded vaguely familiar to me.

After my blindfold was removed and I was brought into the light, I saw my grandfather grinning from ear to ear. I was congratulated by the members on taking my first step in Masonry.

They asked what I thought of the evening. I remember saying it was allot to digest and wondered how they could commit so much material to memory. I went on to take my next two degrees in the coming months but never forgot that first night in the old lodge building.

The lodge building has long since been torn down but the memories remain. I will never forget how proud my grandfather was that night having 3 generations of Masons in the family.

About 3 years after joining the fraternity, my grandfather passed away. I think about that legacy now as I have sons of my own. Will they get the call to be at the lodge on this night and do not be late? If their grandfather has anything to say about it, they certainly will.


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