Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of North Dakota

3rd Quarter 2024

Grand Master Darrin Galde. 2024-2025

Darrin Galde is the 2024-2025 Grand Master

Greetings from the 136th Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of North Dakota AF&AM!

I am humbled that the members of the world’s oldest fraternity have chosen me to lead them for the next 12 months. I joined our great fraternity in 1992 and have enjoyed it immensely over the past 32 years. I am a 3rd generation Mason.

The gavel I hold was my grandfather’s from 1959 when he was Master of Loyalty Lodge No. 119 in Aneta, ND. I will wield it with fidelity to promote the tenets of our order: Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth.

I look forward to my travels across the great state of North Dakota and beyond meeting the members of our craft and building on the cornerstones that were laid by my predecessors.

If you are a Mason traveling through our state, be sure to visit one of our 45 lodges.

If you would like more information on Freemasonry, please visit There you will find a wealth of information about our great Fraternity.

Thank you for visiting our website!

MW Darrin Galde
Grand Master, North Dakota


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