Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of North Dakota

3rd Quarter 2023

Grand Master Chad Kainz. 2023-2024

Chad Kainz is the 2023-2024 Grand Master

Brothers of the Grand Lodge of North Dakota,

I am very grateful to be elected as your Grand Master. I am sincerely humbled and honored to serve the Grand Lodge of North Dakota and the Craft. When I began my masonic journey 23 years ago, I never imagined my path would lead to the Grand East.

I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for all your encouragement and support. I will do my best not to stain this institution and hopefully, continue to leave it better at the end of my year. I’ve always been taught by my family to always leave a place better than I found it. With the help of all of you I know it will be a rewarding year. We are all in this together.

To Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Rick. Congratulations on a successful year as Grand Master. Your shoes are going to be hard to fill. You have grown into a true friend. Thanks for all your advice.

Congratulations to all of our newly elected Officers and Committeemen. I also want to congratulate the brothers that accepted their appointments on the Grand Line and to all the District Deputy Grand Masters. I am deeply grateful for your service.

During my year as Grand Master, I see myself as a steward of all of you and the Craft. I hope to build on the foundations and principles of our Fraternity that all the brothers that have come before me have supported. With all your knowledge, guidance and advice, especially from the MW Past Grand Masters, and all the brothers of this Grand Lodge, we will strive to make this a successful masonic year.

Thank You.

Your humble servant,

MW Chad Kainz
Grand Master, North Dakota


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